Tuesday, August 26, 2014

5 shortcomings in iOS that those who switch from Android would find annoying

Fix this: 5 shortcomings in iOS that those who switch from Android would find annoying
In the world of mobile technology, there seems to be nothing as polarizing as the battle between Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android operating systems. With fans ready to start a holy war over features that one platform ‘borrowed’ from the other, and the endless discussion over which one is smoother, has the better apps, looks and so on, it’s easy to forget that those differences are often very minute.

In fact, we can safely say that the two most popular mobile operating systems are in many aspects on par, and both deliver a great, satisfying experience to most users.

However, after recently switching to an Apple iPhone from an Android device, we could not help but notice that while Apple has done some simple things much better than Google, there are some extremely annoying shortcomings in iOS 7 that we hope the company fixes soon. What are they? Take a look below to find out.

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