Monday, September 1, 2014

Apple iPhone 3GS battery swells up

Apple iPhone 3GS battery swells up
One of our loyal PhoneArena readers managed to avoid a possible disaster. Sorin Stroilescu had his aged Apple iPhone 3GS on a shelf and noticed that the device was broken. His first thought was that one of his daughters was at fault, so he sat both of them down and accused them of breaking the handset. The response from the girls was to exclaim that they didn't do it, and some tears were even spilled by the suspects.

A closer look revealed that Sorin's daughters had actually told the truth. The battery inside the third iteration of the iPhone had blown up to look like some grotesque looking part of the phone. In fact, the battery was no longer recognizable and looked more like a container of Capri Sun (Google it).

While the inflammation from the battery did push the screen out, had the device been in Sorin's pocket with much less room to work with, perhaps the result would have been much worse. Many of you probably are not as shocked or surprised as you might have been, had this happened to a more recent device. Still, it is somewhat amazing to see the transformation in the battery. We haven't seen something blow up like that since Dave Foley around the fourth season of Newsradio.

Thankfully, Sorin wasn't injured, although we have to wonder if his daughters are going to carry some emotional scars after getting yelled at for something they didn't do.

Battery on Apple iPhone 3GS swells up





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