Google Play Movies on iOS might sound a bit strange, especially considering Apple has its own preferred iTunes Store for that. But those that straddle both Apple's and Google's worlds will very much appreciate the availability of Google's video service on both platforms. Previously, using Play Movies on an iPhone or iPad would require an Internet connection, and a good one at that, because it only supported streaming videos. Now, however, iOS users can also enjoy untethered (from the Internet) watching that those on Android have been enjoying for some time now.
The update also brings some other improvements, particularly in the accessibility of the app as well as fixes for bugs. But really, the highlight of this update is all about offline viewing.
Google Play Movies for iOS, now at version 1.2.0, is now up on iTunes App Store, ready for the taking. It is compatible with both iPhones and iPads as long as they are running iOS 6.0 or higher. Those with Chromecast dongles also in their possession will also be glad to know that they can also throw (virtually, not literally) their movies to Chromecast for watching on a bigger screen.
SOURCE: +Google
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